6:32 PM

We always have a choice!!!

One of the gr8st power of human being is to choose[:o]; We can choose how to respond to all the event that happen to us. We can look for some good or we can get haunted by the bad.

Back in January, Me with Rohit(My partner in all the crimes[;)]) had gone to jammu...from jammu we went to nathatop to see some snow...When we reached there, it started raining..ppl got frustated...they complained(of course to God[:(])...but we did something diffrent...We decided to make a better choice and then viewed the whole thing as a giant adventure...We jumped into the snow and enjoyed like there is no tomorrow[:)].

It took nearly a week to wipe the smile off my face[:)]. Each day we have the opportunity make choices. And the way we choose shapes our destiny. Paul Theroux(A famous author) once said "Only a fool blames his bad vacation on the rain"[:D]



what a positive thought